This code file serves as an entry point for importing and exporting satellite data processing modules. It consolidates different satellite data classes into a single exportable object for easier access and usage.
: Handles data processing for Landsat satellite imagery. -
: Manages Top of Atmosphere (TOA) corrections for Landsat data. -
: Processes data from Sentinel satellite imagery.
Module Documentation
Handles data processing for Landsat satellite imagery. This module is responsible for various operations such as data extraction, transformation, and analysis specific to Landsat satellites.
Manages Top of Atmosphere (TOA) corrections for Landsat data. This module applies necessary corrections to Landsat imagery to account for atmospheric interference, ensuring more accurate data analysis.
Processes data from Sentinel satellite imagery. This module provides functionalities for handling Sentinel data, including extraction, transformation, and analysis.
Usage Example
To use any of the satellite data processing modules, you can import them from the consolidated export object:
import SatelliteModules from './path_to_this_file';
const { Landsat, LandsatTOA, Sentinel } = SatelliteModules;
// Example usage
const landsatData = new Landsat();
const landsatToaData = new LandsatTOA();
const sentinelData = new Sentinel();
This approach allows for a clean and organized way to access different satellite data processing functionalities from a single import statement.