# Overview
This code file serves as an entry point for exporting various modules and functionalities related to satellite data processing. It consolidates and re-exports components from different files, making them accessible from a single location.
# Dependencies
- The code relies on ES6 module syntax for importing and exporting functionalities.
# Modules
## Satellite
This module is imported as the default export from the `satellite` file. It likely contains core functionalities related to satellite data.
## Shoreline
This module is imported from the `shoreline` file and re-exported as a namespace. It likely contains functionalities related to shoreline data processing.
## Acquisition
This module is imported from the `acquisition` file and re-exported as a namespace. It likely contains functionalities related to data acquisition processes.
## Utils
This module is imported from the `utils` file and re-exported as a namespace. It likely contains utility functions that support various operations within the system.
# Usage Example
To use any of the exported modules, you can import them in your code as follows:
import { Satellite } from 'path-to-this-file';
import { Shoreline } from 'path-to-this-file';
import { Acquisition } from 'path-to-this-file';
import { Utils } from 'path-to-this-file';
// Example usage
const satelliteData = new Satellite();
const shorelineData = Shoreline.getShorelineData();
const acquisitionData = Acquisition.startAcquisition();
const formattedData = Utils.formatData(satelliteData);
# Assumptions and Edge Cases
- It is assumed that the files `satellite`, `shoreline`, `acquisition`, and `utils` exist in the same directory as this file.
- The code assumes that the imported modules are correctly implemented and do not contain any syntax errors.
# References
- For more information on ES6 module syntax, refer to the [MDN Web Docs on import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export).