This documentation provides a component diagram and description for Shoreline module.
Component Description for Shoreline Module
- MainPage : This component represents the main page of the application. It serves as the entry point for the shoreline module.
- Shoreline : This component represents the shoreline page. It handles the user interaction and guides them through the shoreline analysis process.
- ProcessingPage : This component represents the processing page. It displays the processed images and provides tools for shoreline analysis.
- SelectionPage : This component represents the selection page. It allows the user to choose the shoreline analysis module and proceed to the next steps.
- SatelliteChooser : This component allows the user to select a satellite for the shoreline analysis. It presents a list of available satellites for the user to choose from.
- AOIChooser : This component enables the user to draw an Area of Interest (AOI) on the map. The user can select the shape of the AOI (polygon, rectangle, or circle) and draw it on the map.
- PeriodChooser : This component allows the user to select a date range for image querying. The user can specify the start and end dates using a date picker.
- ImageListRefiner : This component displays the available images for selection. The images are presented in a table format, showing relevant information such as acquisition date, cloud cover percentage, and image ID. The user can select images of interest from the list.
- ImageVisualization : This component displays the processed images for visualization. The user can interact with the images, such as zooming and panning, to explore the details.
- ShorelineAnalysis : This component provides tools for analyzing the shoreline in the processed images. Users can perform various shoreline analysis tasks, such as extracting shorelines, generating baselines, and calculating transect intersections.
- Extraction : This component is responsible for extracting shorelines from the selected images. It applies algorithms to determine the land-water boundary and generates a feature collection of shoreline geometries.
- Statistics : This component calculates statistics for the extracted shorelines, such as Shoreline Change Envelope (SCE), Net Shoreline Movement (NSM), End Point Rate (EPR), and Linear Regression Rate (LRR). It also classifies the LRR using predefined intervals.
- Transects : This component calculates the intersection points of the transects and shorelines. It computes summary statistics for each shoreline, such as mean distance and standard deviation.