This page contains the home page of the application, with a warning message, footer and cookies message.
This page contains the main routes of the application. It has:
- A NavigationBar on the top
- A DialogRoot to handle dialogs
- Routes to:
- AcquisitionPage: To handle the acquisition process
- ProcessingPage: To handle the processing of the acquired images
- SelectionPage: To handle the selection of images
- FAQ: Frequently asked questions page
- ProblemsPage: Known issues page
- NotFound: 404 page
- A ActivityIndicator to show loading
This page handles the acquisition process. It has:
- A header with the title "Aquisição de imagens"
- A Stepper to show the steps of the acquisition
- Routes for each step, based on the STEPS array
- A Footer
- It saves the selected parameters on the storage at each step.
- It redirects to the ProcessingPage when the final step is completed.
This page handles the processing of the acquired images. It shows:
- A title "Processamento de imagens"
- Cards with the images to process and buttons to select algorithms
- A footer
This page shows frequently asked questions and their answers.
This page shows known issues. It contains:
- Accordion components with the issues title and details.
This page handles bathymetry algorithms. It has:
- A header
- Tabs for:
- Image selection: To select a base image and a comparison image
- Bands and algorithm selection: To select bands and a bathymetry algorithm
- Results: To show the bathymetry results
- A footer
This page handles the CSqueeze algorithm. It has:
- A header
- Tabs for:
- Years selection: To select the years to process
- Results: To show the results of the CSqueeze algorithm
- A footer